11 ways to get more shares of your articles
We are often asked what to do to get more shares of their articles.
It can be frustrating for many bloggers to write great articles and then see that they are shared little or nothing by their readers. Even more frustrating is thinking about the traffic from the social channels you are currently losing.
Everything is at this point, in identifying yourself with the reader who has just finished your article.
What drives him to share it?
1. The quality of the content marketing
2. A number of other factors you will find in this article
Let's see together what are the measures that will allow you to receive more shares on your blog and on social marketing, to bring more people to address your content.
How to get more shares of your articles
# 1. Identify the most popular posts and keywords
It is essential that you, through analytical tools such as Google and SEO Analytics, realize what are the keywords and the posts that generated the most shares.
You can also use tools like Buffer to figure out which posts are most clicked by your fans and followers.
In this way you will know what are your favorite topics and your followers on social networks and you can get more shares, writing a series of other articles related to them.
#2. Create specific and targeted content
Time is short and even patience. The people of the web want articles that teach something really specific and useful. So do not create articles on general subjects, but prefer those more specific and niche. Generalist does not pay on the web!
# 3. Create captivating titles
To get more shares, study WordPress Blogging in 2018, because they must immediately capture people's attention, especially on Twitter .
# 4. Use impact images
Images can really make a difference and push people to share from your blog, and from other social networks like Facebook and Tumblr.
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# 5. Add the social buttons to your Blog
To get more shares it is recommended to insert the social buttons at the beginning and at the end of an article.
Try to make sure that the social buttons are clearly visible, so that sharing can happen more easily.
# 6. Include a section with a photo of the author of the article
It has been proven that the articles showing the author's photo are shared more.
Inserting a photo in fact makes contact more immediate and personal, giving more confidence to users. In this way, obtaining more shares will be a spontaneous and natural process.
# 7. Ask people to share
"Ask and it will be given to you!”. Especially at the conclusion of your posts, ask your readers to share them on their social channels.
# 8. Share several times on Social Networks
It is important that you repeatedly share your content on social channels, especially on Twitter where the news feed changes quickly.
To do this it also uses tools like Buffer and Hootsuite to program your shares.
# 9. Ask other bloggers to share your articles
Creating a network of contacts with other best bloggers in your niche is crucial for a blog.
Begin to do it by asking to share your articles, returning the favor.
# 10. Ask your friends to comment
People are often intimidated, and do not comment on articles or generally on shared content.
Seeing that there is already someone who does it, will help them overcome the embarrassment and start communicating.
Receiving lots of comments is a great way to get more shares.
# 11. Look for people interested in the article
Go to forums, Twitter, Facebook and search for people who need the same information in your post. You can then enlarge the number of your readers in a very natural way.
Getting more shares for your articles is the harmonious result of a series of actions and targeted choices, which have made them interesting enough to push people to share them with their friends on social media marketing channels.
If you follow these few simple rules, the efforts you will employ with the writing of the contents will soon be repaid on visits and therefore in potential earnings.
What techniques do you use to have more shares? Do you know 5 strategies to increase your visitors to your website?See you in the comments box! And I recommend, share this article on your social channels! :)
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